Fruit Diary
Raisins (snap-dragon style)
I was scared to throw my hand into the flames - it took 3 rounds before I finally grabbed one. But toasty and burnt, it was far better than any ordinary raisin ever had been.
Better than raisins, but still, dried fruit isn't for me. I was cuddling with my bf as I ate them though so this was still a top tier experience.
I only like my bananas at a VERY specific stage of ripeness, when brown spots start appearing. Anything earlier or later is absolutely revolting to me, along with anything banana flavored. However, when in this precise sweet spot, bananas suddenly are one of my favorite fruits, by far.
Like many, I prefer honeycrisp apples. I went apple picking a few years ago and tired ~15 different kinds in a day, finally developing very specific preferences. Before I just grabbed apples at random when out grocery shopping.
I eat this carton of pineapple chunks once a month probably. It's a good snack. A warning: never leave out pineapple chunks or juice or everything will smell SO BAD.
I liked it a lot! It was sour in a way that I love. Alas, each fruit was TINY; a giant apricot sounds incredible.
They taste fine, got a weird texture to them! Kinda strange mouthfeel.
Butterscotch Pear
urgghhhh I HATE this. Bad texture, bad flavor, skin is like rough like a peach but flavorless, and then the inside is like an apple but too watery.
It's like an orange but less intense in terms of flavor, also very difficult to eat and get at. Apparently, like grapefruit, pomelos can fuck up your medication, so be careful!
Sumo Citrus
WOAH, this is just a tastier and meltier orange, like literally just an orange, but better. Hot damn!!!
It's okay! Kinda sweet, tropical tasting, a bit tart? The box said Cut. Scoop. Woah! so that's what I did.