the underground city

the city is nearly empty, and impossibly old. you quickly find yourself getting lost on the streets.

occasionally, you bump into the townsfolk of the city. who do you talk to?


locations under construction:

  • zoological gardens
  • concert hall
pigeon in the colosseum

city status

it's a very nebulous thing, to have a city present in the subconscious. a static fixture, an imposure of order, on something that cannot be defined. but there are those that wish to rise to such a challenge.

many have tried before, and fail, but from their foundations, may we build something mighty. or at least that's the vibe you're getting from the people you've met here.

recent updates

9.29.23: the museum of the golden boar has opened!

2.9.23: the docks are welcoming visitors to our grand city

reaching the docks is simple enough. the city is on an island, after all; you can go in one direction and the simply follow the oceanfront.