Personality quizzes! Part of me feels ashamed to find these fun, like they're reductive of the human experience or something... but idk, converting personality traits of your friends into data to do analysis over, using them as a conversation starter to get your friends reflecting on themselves... they can be a good jumping off point, methinks.
The "Past" results are from 2021, the "Present" results are from 2024. I'm more extraverted and less neurotic. The wonders of therapy. This test is fun, as the website has the built in ability to juxtapose your friends' results with yours. I've found this one to be pretty accurate.
Myers Briggs is psuedoscience, the population has a normal distribution for most of these categories, rather than a bimodal one. That means most people cluster around the "50%" mark for most of these categories; ergo they're not that useful for coming up with "personality types". Usually I'm around 50% for extraversion/introversion, but I've been on a socialization/dating kick recently. So I'm usually one of ENFJ, ENFP, INFJ, or INFP depending on my mood when taking these tests.
This says that I'm most likely to be a 9 (meaning that I avoid conflict), a 7 (meaning that I like to have fun), or a 4 (meaning that I think I'm special). This is all true, lol. I find that enneagram result descriptions are often more willing to roast you than other personality tests.