Games of 2016

Games that came out this year

  • Pony Island - this was good.
  • Oxenfree - this was a nice short game. it’s like a young adult horror novel made into a game it was pretty charming. I don’t recommend playing it more than once because for me that kinda ruined the experience as it made me realize my decisions weren’t actually as important as they felt.
  • Stardew Valley - oh MAN probably my favorite game that actually came out this year, I have like over a 100 hours in this masterpiece. i’ve never played harvest moon but I really should; it like combines the joy I have playing like terraria/starbound with that of animal crossing. it’s just really addictive too, and I just generally had a blast playing it. I actually got like all the achievements except like finding all the relics or whatever and I missed ONE recipe and would have to play for another two years to get the opportunity to get it again and bleh… but yeah it was fun
  • TLOZ: Twilight Princess HD - this feels like cheating because I already had and played the original twilight princess, I just never finished it. But I finished this one 100% and really loved it, it’s like one of my top tloz games. Like I never really played much zelda like when I was younger but man every single one is just so great, like this game was phenomenal.
  • Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes - THIS CAME OUT THIS YEAR?? man this year feels so long but YEAH I had a TON of fun with this game. I got like super good at defusing bombs it was great and really like difficult BUT never unfair. Okay maybe like blinking lights 3 or whatever of that one with like 50 simon says modules was horrible but otherwise… probably the best party game to play.
  • Kirby: Planet Robobot - I haven’t played a kirby game in a while, but this was FUN and CUTE and I just wish it was longer. there are no bad kirby games. i can affirm that with my soul.
  • Firewatch - It was good. A lot of people felt underwhelmed with the ending, but I was perfectly fine with it. Overall, I was satisfied with the experience, and just really loved the art style. It’s a very nice game atmospherically.
  • Pokemon Sun and Moon - I loved it. One of the best Pokemon games in terms of plot by far. One of the best in general. I love how refreshingly different it was. II talked about it more here. Just to expand one what I was saying before, it’s aftergame is better than x & y, but I still wish it was longer.

Other games I played

  • Kero Blaster - no one like seems to talk about this game but OH MAN it was really good. it’s made by the same person that made cave story and the gameplay is GREAT. there isn’t much emphasis on the story but the story is still there and I still thought it was pretty interesting. it’s just a really fun game to play through, like cave story is also really fun just to play over and over. there aren’t many games that I feel inspired to replay entirely right after beating but this was one of them.
  • Ace Attorney Investigations 2 - Yeah I started playing this like early 2015 but I like always procrastinated playing it but I finished it in 2016 and thought it was really great. uh i barely even remember that much but i remember I really liked the plot and thought they did a great job translating it.
  • Paper Jam - YEAH I played this in 2016 and have to say that I still haven’t finished it. it’s alright but… not as good as like inside story. i just don’t get like the aversion to original characters… like it doesn’t really reference the older games, and just i feel like it lacks some of the soul the series used to have. it’s still okay though, like it’s fun and cute, just not as good as it could have been. also the papercraft battles are just… not fun.
  • DUCK GAME - QUACK HOLY SHIT I forgot I played this this year this year was SO LONG but yeah I played this like every day with my friends for like a month it’s an experience, like, we always had fun with it, i could do all sorts of nice duck moves and it’s just GOOD. THERE’S A QUACKING BUTTON
  • XENOBLADE CHRONICLES 3DS - YEAH THIS WAS GREAT I MISSED OUT ON ONE LANDMARK IN AN AREA I CAN NO LONGER ACCESS AND LOST THE MOTIVATION TO 100% IT but I thought it was VERY GOOD. the plot was fun, the characters were very likeable, and gah I just really loved the world.
  • Color Splash - I can’t believe I got color splash after like hating sticker star so much but it’s actually pretty good?? like the game just has a lot more personality again. like, it suffers from the lack of original characters, i mean, like that first toad in the beginning? that could have easily have been toadsworth. all the npcs are like toads and some variety would have been nice. overall it’s a good game, and I’m having fun playing it, but it’s no the thousand year door by a longshot. though I will admit the art style is REALLY GOOD, like EVERYTHING is paper like a lot of the heart in the game are all the subtle artistic details. ALSO ANOTHER COMPLAINT ROSHAMBO IS GARBAGE RNG SHOUDL NEVER BE SOMETHING REQUIRED TO 100% A GAME that’s all HAPPY NEW YORK