Games of 2017

Games that came out this year

  • Night in the Woods - Probably one of my favorite games of all time. It’s the exact niche of video game that’s a perfect fit for what I want outta video games. I remember being so like drawn into the story that I did the latter half of the game late into the night when I shoulda been studying for tests. I was thinking of replaying it around now cause it just got an update, but maybe I’ll wait another year. I already played it twice this year. Like, it’s rare that you play a game and want to immediately go back and play it again. Think the only games where I did that were like Cave Story, Undertale and NITW, albeit all of those games had alternate pathes/endings to explore. Anyway nitw was really great BUT ALSO probably a scary game to play right before I went to college ehheheh. It worked out for me though.
  • Breath of the Wild - WOOF. I got all 120 korok seeds. I actually should go get the DLC. I don’t know what to say that hasn’t already been said. I loved this game, unsure if it’s my favorite zelda game because all of them are so good, but it’s up there. It was a fun time all around, I said more about it here when I first finished it.
  • Hollow Knight - Hollow Knight was pretty fun and had an incredible aesthetic that I adored. I said more about it here when I initially finished it.
  • Splatoon 2 - Very similar to the first game, but just as fun. Man I kinda wanna get back into it I didn’t actually play that much but I’m scared everyone is too good now to enjoy it like what happened with the first one.
  • HIVESWAP: ACT 1 - Very good, everything I wanted, for like 5 hours. Waaay too short for waiting for it for like 5 years. That’s like 1 hour of gameplay for one year of waiting. It was fun and enjoyable, hope the rest of the game whenever it arrives is as good. It’s basically like just a point and click where all you do is just try using every item on every other item and that’s it because everything has unique text it’s actually insane. ALSO BUBSY IS IN THE GAME, AND SO ARE POGS. so yeah 10/10 for bubsy
  • Doki Doki Literature Club - One of my high school friends randomly messaged me asking if I’d played this after not speaking since school ended so I went and played it and then responded yes. It’s a pretty neat meta game, I thought it was a pretty interesting experience. Not actually that scary but it had some interesting commentary on the nature of dating sims.
  • Animal Crossing Pocket Camp - It could have been worse, but eh. Kinda mediocre. Too repetative it’s just grinding and all the dialogue is repetative, like the animals don’t feel like they have distinct personalities. It was decently fun for a bit but it really just made me crave another main series game.
  • The Sexy Brutale - This was pretty neat! I’ve got mixed feelings about the ending, I thought that after individually saving each character you’d then have to save everyone in one day, but instead there was a plot twist that made everything feel pointless. Idk, the ending ruined the experience somewhat, cause the gameplay wasn’t super duper entertaining. It’s. gah. It was worth my time though, it’s always good to see games doing interesting new things.
  • Danganronpa v3 - I just finished this one yesterday, I played a friend’s copy of it. Hoo boy this one was fun. Some of the middle cases were kinda meh but the overarching themes and plot were really fun, motifs were interesting, I liked the main message/commentary. The protagonist actually had a personality this time which is also cool. Hahah the thing about talking about these games is everything is a spoiler idk if anyone actually cares though. Yeah so this year I guess was the year of danganronpa I played all three games and also tried and failed watching the anime because it was boring.

Other games I played

  • Hexcells - why am i even bothering listing this fun puzzle game that’s all this is
  • The Wolf Among Us - I remember nothing about playing this but apparently I finished the whole game in like january. It was right at the beginning of the year so. If it wasn’t memorable it was probably only okay. Ending was very underwhelming.
  • Fallout 4 - Wow I completely forgot I even played this until looking back at things. It was okay I guess, like I got 50ish hours of entertainment outta it but then I just lost interest. I’m pretty sure I like put this on hold to play Night in the Woods and nitw was just such a better game that I had no motivation to go back to fallout right afterwards, though maybe I’ll pick it up again eventually.
  • Clustertruck - You jump from truck to truck. Fun.
  • Oneshot - Thought this one was pretty quaint. I’d say it’s like Undertale without the humor/gameplay. Lol that sounds like awful but I really liked Oneshot it did some interesting things and I enjoyed the story a whole bunch.
  • Yo-Kai Watch Dance: Just Dance Special Version - get a get a coke
  • Danganronpa - Whenever I play visual novel games like this I kinda tend to just put my life on hold until I finish them. That is to say, the story was incredibly engaging. Some of the characters in this first one were kinda “ehhh” like I hated a lotta them and some of the plot devices motivations for murder were like kinda bleh. But overall man it was a fun concept neat artstyle fun time crazy plot twists.
  • Danganronpa 2 - Yeah I thought I would wait until a while after playing the first but nah I bought the second like a week later and WHOOPS bought it a week before a 10 dollar price drop rip. BUT ANYWAY YEAH this one definitely had more likeable characters. I finally get all the fucking danganronpa references and shit like I know who komaeda is. lots of crazy plot twists as usual, yeah it was overall a fun time too.
  • SUPERHOT - I played a friend’s copy, did the main story, it was pretty fun but also very short. Definitely worth checking out though idk if the price is justified. Eh you shouldn’t talk about price in critique but idk if this is actually critique all the thoughts for like every game is just “this was good” I’m so bad at this
  • Super Hexagon - I played around 12 hours of this until I finished it right when I got to college for some reason. Like 8 of those hours were just spent on the last level it was hell the level is also only 60 seconds long. It’s a fun and addicting game, but emphasis more on addicting than fun

i think i played about the same number of games this year as the last one; i just included more games that i only played for like 2 hours. game I played the most was probably breath of the wild with 110+ hours, runner up is likely odyssey with 40+ hours.